Feed the Machine


Nutrition is the third essential you need for survival. There are many schools of thought on the subject of what the best nutrition plan is. Some people are meat and potatoes kind of people, others are vegetarians, and others are vegans. 

The most important aspect of your diet is that you should go as all natural as your budget will allow. Remember, if you read the nutrition facts on the label and the product you're buying has some scientific words you can barely pronounce, you probably shouldn't be eating it.

I've been athletic since I was a kid. My adventures have led me to working out with Green Berets and Army Rangers, Crossfit Athletes, Professional Boxers, and Pro Mixed Martial Artists. They all believe nutrition is paramount to one's physical abilities. If you put junk in body, you'll get horrible performance. You wouldn't put moonshine in the gas tank of your Lamborghini right?

My experience and researching tons of experts has lead me to believe that the Paleo Diet is a great nutrition plan to live by. If you can cook some of that food in a wood stove you'll extend your lifespan since all the 3rd world cultures who cook with wood are getting the remaining minerals they need through the wood that's being burned. I'll post a video on that information soon. 

In the meantime, do some deep research on Dr. Wallach to find out about his theory on the 90 essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. If you're like me and don't have a wood stove, I supplement my 90 essential vitamins and minerals from www.will4health.my90forlife.com

Do your homework and get your nutrition in order. We've got work to do!

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    November 2013

